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[The Epiphany of the Lord] Following the 11am Mass, Bring a 1-gallon bottle of water.

  • Date:1/5/2025 12:20 PM
  • Location


Take (blessed) chalk (of any colour) and mark on the lintel of your front door 20 + C + M + B + 25 saying:

The three Wise Men,
C Caspar,
M Melchior,
B and Balthasar followed the star of God’s Son who became human
20 two thousand
25 and twenty-five years ago.
++ May Christ bless our home
++ and remain with us throughout the new year. Amen.

God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. Christ, God’s incarnation, is present in the love and care we manifest to each other in our ordinary daily lives together.